Passionate moment for Wout van Aert and childhood friend

Passionate moment for Wout van Aert and childhood friend

Foto: VRT

Wout van Aert is not only scoring on the bike, but also in love. The cyclist is married to Sarah De Bie and the two got to know each other when they were barely two years old

Sarah De Bie vividly remembers how she and Wout spent time together as toddlers in childcare. Although they hardly had any contact with each other then… Later, however, Cupid would set his sights on them…

When Wout van Aert started studying computer science, they got talking through mutual friends. And Sarah admits she soon fell in love with the handsome, athletic young man….

Sarah fell for his “white blaze and pronounced cheekbones”. A message for Wout’s birthday would kick everything into high gear. And their first date became an instant hit….

A date in the cinema is the moment when sparks fly: “That’s where it happened,” admits Sarah De Bie. Sarah tells how it happened…

“Caught the bus to town together, watched a film, and immediately felt: okay, this clicks”, Sarah De Bie reveals in Dag Allemaal how her love fairy tale with Wout van Aert began.