Queen Máxima: ‘the secret ingredient is horse manure’

Queen Máxima: ‘the secret ingredient is horse manure’

Photo: RVD - Martijn Beekman

The Dutch royals are doing their best to go through life sustainably. They do often use the plane, but thorough renovation works should make the palace more energy efficient. And there is more.

The circular economy was also considered in the palace’s stables. The horses’ manure is processed into an environmentally friendly nutrient medium for growing mushrooms. And so there are more fun facts to glean about the Dutch royal family.

In the palace gardens, for instance, there is also plenty of effort put into bee-friendly plants and flowers. Bees are kept and their honey ends up on the table of King Willem-Alexander, Queen Máxima and the three princesses Amalia, Alexia and Ariane.